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Largo, Forida 33770

"Hosting the conversation on God, Faith, Life and Culture"



C A V I T A   D A T

I grew up on the 'simple life' in Guyana, South America. I'm a born again Christian living out life in multiple locations. My greatest joy is my relationship with my family, friends and most of all, my lover and wonderful friend Jesus Christ.

Most of my ministerial background was shaped during my thirteen years of service at the Hope Center Tabernacle (Center for the Visual and Performing Arts) Jersey City, New Jersey and in June 2013, I was given the wonderful opportunity and ordination of Missionary. At that time, I relocated to Clearwater, Florida to gain the autonomy needed to further pursue ministry. I'm grateful for the wonderful church family I'm now able to partner and share my life with here in Florida, and honored for every opportunity I'm given to minister and preach the Gospel here at home, and on the mission field.

Join me on BSWG as I share the many stories God and I have shared over the years and how it's made me who I am today. I pray it will bless, inspire and challenge you to enter the secret place of intimacy with God and be all you were designed to be.

My background is Accounting, Real Estate and Financial Consulting. 

Hope to Humanity and The Gospel Exchange was founded out of my desire to share the love and amazing grace extended to us through the hands of God. I am tremendously blessed to work alongside some of the most passionate and devoted people with the same heart and vision. They make it all possible.


P A S S I O N   &  'E X C E R P T S'

from the heart

Life is the most precious commodity God has given us, and living it out to glorify Him is what moves me. Over the years, writing has been a wonderful way for me to deconstruct my thoughts and feelings and I consider it an honor to be used by God through the writing medium. I believe our lives are God's letter to this world, and maybe the only letter some may ever read.



Authenticity is critical in the life of a Christian. Truth be told, the concept 'Authentic Christianity' in and of itself seems absurd since the life of a Christian is commanded to be nothing less than authentic. The Bible says that we are to worship God in 'Spirit and Truth' and it refers to so much more than the "keeping it real" thought that usually comes to mind. Authenticity has to do with our submission, obedience and faithfulness to God's Word, and everything to do with our integrity and character behind the scenes. It's about the internalization of Christ in every minute detail of our lives. Authenticity is our ability to not only biblically navigate our lives in the public arena, but our ability to biblically navigate our private and secret lives as well. 'What' we do, 'how we do it, and 'why' we do it, truly determines who we are at the core. Too often, in order to maintain spiritual strength for 'the masses,' the balancing scale tips in favor of maintaining our public image while consciously or unconsciously neglecting the importance of maintaining our private spiritual health. I don't believe we are always going to have our "ducks in a row" as we all face inconsistencies and weaknesses in our character, but when we are chronically unable to navigate our private lives as God intended, it's time to re-evaluate our priorities and put our lives and homes in order. God is interested in how you navigate your life as a "Private Minister" just as much as He is in the navigation of your "Public Ministry". The two were never meant to be compartmentalized and distinct from each other.


Life is the most precious commodity God has given us and it's the most fragile. I'm passionate about people living out their God given destiny. Life is way too short to be wasted on Satan's secondary plans. I believe every plan outside the will of God, no matter how accomplished and successful, is a failure in the eyes of God and in the light of eternity. I'd like to think we could have some 'do-overs' at the end of this life, but it wouldn't be possible at that time, and even though life can be a maze filled with confusion and disillusionment, the Bible says "that all things work together for good for those that love the Lord and are called according to His purposes" - Romans 8:28. We all know life is filled with mess-ups, mistakes and mismanagement (let's be honest - 99.9 percent of the time we take ourselves off course), but if your heart is right, and your motive is to seek out and be faithful to God, know that God is faithful even when we are faithless. He will take all the mishaps and mourning, and turn it into victory and joy. The greatest tragedy in life is to come to the end of it all only to realize that you have completely missed the mark, or perhaps it's not realizing it at all. However, no matter where you are in life, you can grab hold of God's hands and find your destiny in that very moment. You were designed with a specific purpose in mind - look for it, find it and embrace it.


The Gospel is all about people's lives. Jesus became man incarnate so none should perish. The Bible says "He came to set the captives free" - Isaiah 61:1. When we lose sight of this, we truly become blind in our endeavors. In my time of ministry, I've observed that some people are often frustrated with 'church' because they are frustrated with their personal lives. I'm not referring to someone living in sin, in willful disobedience to God, and who has consciously rejected a biblical way of life, spiritual authority and any and all church discipline. I'm referring to someone who is genuinely struggling with their faith, and their natural capacity to mentally, emotionally, and practically deal with life's issues. Have you ever thought about what happens when you step out of the doors of the church? Life happens. It's easy to say "all is well" once you've stamped your time into your spiritual calendar, but dealing with broken marriages, financial debt, disobedient kids, spouses with substance abuse issues, loneliness, confusion, anxiety and the endless list of external and internal pressures can be challenging, exhausting and plain old daunting. Many of us are not properly equipped to handle the pressures that overwhelms us, so it's easier to shut down, isolate ourselves and silently implode. This behavior is a 'silent' spiritual killer. As Christians, we are called to serve regardless of our titles and accomplishments. 'Servanthood' is what truly defines us, and leaders need to detect this behavior and extend selfless love to those willing to submit themselves to a biblical healing process to help them not only navigate church, but navigate life. Satan is strategic in his tactics against us - how much more do we need to be in this spiritual warfare. Let's not 'shadow box' our way through this walk with God, but be intentional about facilitating God's divine intervention through the strategies in His word. Practical biblical tools and systems designed for life, wrapped in genuine love and care are often times more effective than lofty spiritual advice. Let's find the balance between counting heads, and healing lives.


Regardless of the changing cultural shift towards immorality and away from the holiness that God desires for His people, preachers and teachers of God's word, have the responsibility of preaching an 'Uncensored Gospel.' The Gospel presents us with two choices - be a slave to Christ, or a slave to sin and the world. The Gospel is an indictment to our sinful nature, and a signal for the need of a Savior. There must be a tangible distinction of holiness demonstrated by those who claim Jesus as Lord for our life as a Christian is always on display. We all have the responsibility of building a healthy church that's engaged in shaping the social, economic and political arena of our society, and trail blazing was God's intent for us from the beginning. God's plan was always the multiplication of His church and His plan for 'Discipleship' has an end goal - "Go and make other disciples". We cannot lose sight that our purpose is to "raise up and send out disciples". Our infilling of the Holy Spirit must be translated into accomplishing God's plan. He fills us to accomplish His purpose on the earth. The vision of the church has to be one that is outward while balancing our inward responsibility. Many battles are won from an offensive position rather than a defensive one and to win the cultural spiritual war, we must be ready and willing to move forward in engagement. I believe that when we consciously work towards raising disciples to send them out - the tide of our culture will shift direction towards God. One the marks of a healthy church is it's impact on the surrounding culture. From the 'Kitchen tables of Lifegroups,' to the 'Pulpits of the Church,' and onto the 'Public arena of the Market Place,' you are a missionary on a mission and it's time to engage. 

l i f e

"the greatest tragedy in life is to come to the end of it all only to realize that you have completely missed the mark"


As a young devout Hindu girl, I encountered the manifested presence of Jesus for several years. After a lengthy time period of God knocking on the door of my heart, I finally opened it and said "Yes" to His invitation.

I'm a sinner who fails God everyday. Despite the challenges to stay on the narrow path, I press on towards the mark of God's higher calling. Somehow, God always manages to save me from myself, cleanse me of my sinfulness, and deliver me from the snare of mundane religion.

God is faithful.


l i t e r a t u r e

"our lives is the ink God uses to pen His love, grace and mercy to a hurting, dying  and desperate world" 


Journaling has always been an intricate part of my life. Through the process of writing, I hope to share my life's lessons with you and share my thoughts on what's happening in the world around me.  I pray it will bless, inspire, challenge and encourage you to live life unapologetically abandoned to Jesus.

Writing is one of the best ways I connect to, communicate with and worship God.

BSWG is a reflection of my journey with God and with those God has placed around me to walk out this life.



l e g a c y

"no matter how successful and accomplished the plan - if it's not for God, then in the light of eternity, it has failed.


Behind your 'life,' there's a story waiting to be read. It can never be duplicated, stolen or invented. Maybe you're a trail blazing star, or a candle showing someone the very next step, or perhaps you are a candle that needs to be lit, and wondering how to get there- don't worry, stay close to the 'Flame Thrower', dig your heels in, and abandon yourself to God. 

For every tiny seed struggling to see the light, and for every sheltering forest giving shade to others, remember, you are always a bridge connecting one generation to the next.

It's your story - Own it, Live it, Tell it.

B E H I N D   T H E   S C E N E S

In this 'walk of life,' I have the great privilege of being a co-author with God. When I fail - He restores, when I fall off the 'band-wagon' - He dusts me off and sets me on course again, when I give up - He walks on for me.

Through prayer, He's given me the privilege of changing His heart and mind in a matter if I'm willing to have a decent conversation with Him. Sometimes, it's an all out fight, other times, His silence speaks louder than words. He's an all consuming fire, demanding nothing less than perfection, yet longs to be an all consuming friend when 'perfection' seems elusive.

God burnt my box I had labeled 'MY PLANS' a long time ago. The plans I hold sacred are always changing in the hands of an unchanging God, and so I'm thankful for His enduring love when life becomes fractured and unstable. Life can be pretty overwhelming, but I've learnt that God is the 'Prince of Peace' in the middle of the storms.

I love to worship at my piano, paint whenever I have the chance, and of course, I love to write.