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Largo, Forida 33770
"Hosting the conversation on God, Faith, Life and Culture"
Unlocking the Potential
The Gospel Exchange is partnering with a local Pinellas County Elementary School to assist with their mentoring and tutoring program. Our hope is to see kids reach their unlimited potential and be all they were designed to be.
Hope to Humanity is having an extended time of ministry in the month of August. Ministry will be geared toward women, young girls and young men. Thank you for your prayers as God continues to lead us in these series of ministerial outreach.
Prayer for Guyana
Guyana has been experiencing a significant rise in the number of suicide cases. Already listed as the number one country in the world with the highest suicide rate, we are deeply concerned about the state of this nation. Please join us as we lift this nation in prayer and as we seek God's direction and intervention.